Dignified work

In August of 2022, we launched a campaign to raise the funds to build an additional classroom for the All-Girls School in Pokot, Kenya. This came after 18 girls finished their first school year, and the enrollment for the following year exceeded the amount of space currently available. We are so thankful for your generous…

After a recent partner visit to South Sudan, we are excited to share with you that the tech hub project in the capital city of Juba has made major strides in its development. The vision for the tech hub came from our local partner who desperately desires to restore hope to the youth in his…

In South Sudan, our local partner is finding a creative solution to meet the needs of his community. Because of the ongoing unrest and instability in South Sudan, countless people are struggling to buy food and provide for their families. Inflation has driven up the costs of just about everything, and the current drought they…

At Mission ONE, we listen to those in need and respond by sustaining communities through the local church. We want to take a moment to explain how and why we do just that. Before we start projects, we first develop trusted and long-term relationships with local leaders and organizations who are already serving those around…

My name is Bikonzi, and I am the Coordinator of Strategic Projects here at Mission ONE. I work directly alongside our local partners as they are serving and meeting the needs of their communities. A few months ago, I had the honor of visiting our local partners in South Sudan. I left feeling inspired by…

We were never intended to live in poverty, divided against one another, with little hope for peace, yet that is what most marginalized communities around the world are facing.   This is why our local indigenous partners spend their time and resources engaging with these communities in order for them to feel known and seen in…

For refugees, escaping war and persecution in their home countries doesn’t result in the end of all struggle. Resettling comes with its own host of challenges. In addition to the trauma they already experienced which led to them fleeing their homes, they are then faced with language and communication barriers, differing cultures, and separation from…

The concept of having a distinct, normative vision of masculinity and femininity—biblically speaking, has proven to be challenging. As familiar as we may be with the text in Genesis, where we read God created humans in His image and likeness, we may inadvertently miss some of the more crucial ideas that could change some of…

Listening with our hearts, or empathic listening, is one of the most important things the church can do to serve those in their community. In fact, the things that make us the church (or body of Christ) are the things that we have in common with every other Christian church in our city, country, or…

The Bible tells us that we are all created in the image of God, that we have been equipped and gifted with unique talents for a purpose and for His glory. Unfortunately, communities across the world have shifted the way they see or think about certain concepts in the Bible, including ‘being fearfully and wonderfully…

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3 Ways to Honor God on Your Next Mission Trip

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