At Mission ONE, we listen to those in need and respond by sustaining communities through the local church.
We want to take a moment to explain how and why we do just that.
Before we start projects, we first develop trusted and long-term relationships with local leaders and organizations who are already serving those around them. This is important to us because we believe our local indigenous partners know their communities the best. We want to meet others where they are at, so we partner with those who are presently listening to them, caring for them, and well aware of their greatest needs. We value the work our local partners are already doing, and we want to come alongside them as they are representing the cultures and contexts they are starting projects in.
How are projects formed?
The first step in starting a project is to determine what the community needs. Through intentional communication, we collaborate with our local partners to consider what they need to create more unity, stability, and sustainability for the people around them. Serving many rural areas, this often means there is a shortage of jobs and educational opportunities as well as resources such as food or shelter.
In this process, we also want to consider what the community already has. We value the uniqueness and cultural context of each people group, and we want to come alongside others with the vision to support and enhance their strengths and potential. Though from an outside perspective one may only see what is lacking, we want to encourage our partners in what God has already blessed them with.
We also take into account the individual gifts God has given each of our partners. By entering into trusted relationships with them, we have listened to their stories and specific callings God has placed on their lives. Some have previous experience in certain areas, and we want to foster that and empower them to live out of their strengths as well.
More than anything, we want to empower our local partners in their vision for the communities they are reaching. We don’t want the communities we’re serving to look like ours here in the West. We want our partners to believe they have influence as they live out the gospel in the unique ways God has called them to and in the various cultural contexts they find themselves in.
We also believe, by partnering with local leaders and missional organizations to meet their needs, we are able to show people the value in their own cities and villages. Oftentimes, they experience such a severe lack of opportunity that they hope for more fulfilling lives by going elsewhere for schooling or more profitable futures. We want to not only meet the present needs of communities, but we desire for the opportunities made available through these projects to encourage people to stay in them and use their God-given gifts to nurture the betterment of their own hometowns.
Our ultimate goal: The greater impact of the gospel
The missional organizations we partner with are already serving their communities through local church plants and the work of missionaries spending their time and resources sharing the gospel. Our desired impact for these projects is to not only sustain communities, but also to use the profits to contribute to the work of these local leaders and organizations as they continue to send out missionaries and plant churches.
We care deeply about being a light to a very broken world and sharing the love and hope of God to communities in desperate need.
“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:13-16
Jesus didn’t say that we must become salt and light, he said we already are. We want to embody this calling on our lives as we serve those in greatest need. Our hope in this is that God would be glorified as we seek to transform communities to look more like the Kingdom of God and reach unreached people groups for the sake of the gospel.
Thank you for joining us in this work!
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3 Ways to Honor God on Your Next Mission Trip
We're sharing three things you should consider before you organize or participate in an international mission trip, seek to do work in the multicultural neighborhood in your own city, or embark on any cross-cultural partnership.