Women’s Empowerment

In Eldoret, Kenya, women often face societal barriers and limited opportunities. Our sewing ministry project aims to empower women by providing them with valuable vocational skills and the chance to discover their God-given identities. The Vision for Eldoret Our sewing ministry is designed to break these barriers by equipping women with skills in: Sewing Hairstyling…

Since gaining independence in 2011, South Sudan has been marred by conflict, displacing millions and plunging families into a relentless cycle of poverty and hopelessness. Our local partner envisions a brighter future for South Sudan by addressing its core challenges. Understanding the profound impact of education, job opportunities, and training, our partner initiated a bakery…

We’re taking a moment to reflect on the work of the Lord. As we look at this past year, we are reminded both of the origin of Mission ONE and the formation of each of our long-established relationships with our partners around the world. Here are a few of our reflections and what we’re celebrating:…

At Mission ONE, we partner with the local church in sharing the gospel with unreached people groups, but that’s not all. We also find creative solutions to sustain ministry in order for its reach to far surpass what can be seen in the here and now. Our partner in Nepal is no different! Since 2004,…

In 2008, the Nepalese government officially freed all bond-servants from their debts, however, there wasn’t an effective system in place to provide them with the resources they needed to thrive. Today, there are still many who have been left without their own land or homes, forcing them to continue working under the authority of their…

In August of 2022, we launched a campaign to raise the funds to build an additional classroom for the All-Girls School in Pokot, Kenya. This came after 18 girls finished their first school year, and the enrollment for the following year exceeded the amount of space currently available. We are so thankful for your generous…

In South Sudan, our local partner is finding a creative solution to meet the needs of his community. Because of the ongoing unrest and instability in South Sudan, countless people are struggling to buy food and provide for their families. Inflation has driven up the costs of just about everything, and the current drought they…

In India, there are many barriers to receiving an education. Some don’t have access to schools in their regions, while others don’t have the financial means to attend. Other children are forced to work at a young age in order to provide for their families or help their parents look after their siblings. For young…

My name is Bikonzi, and I am the Coordinator of Strategic Projects here at Mission ONE. I work directly alongside our local partners as they are serving and meeting the needs of their communities. A few months ago, I had the honor of visiting our local partners in South Sudan. I left feeling inspired by…
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3 Ways to Honor God on Your Next Mission Trip
We're sharing three things you should consider before you organize or participate in an international mission trip, seek to do work in the multicultural neighborhood in your own city, or embark on any cross-cultural partnership.