More Like the Kingdom

As we get ready to close out another year, we want to spend some time taking a look at the different ways Advent is celebrated around the world. It’s an important time of celebration and joy that directs our hearts and minds to the anniversary of our Lord’s birth. The word Advent derives from the…

At Mission ONE, our vision is to see communities of poverty transformed to be more like the Kingdom of God. In a remote village in the wild jungle of Nepal, God is at work through His church, bringing hope to one of the hardest places. Meet the “Cave People” The Chepang people are an indigenous…

For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross. Colossians 1:19-20 The Church in a Landfill In 2014 I took my first trip to Indonesia. My experience showed me what we are asking when…

For many, the last year has been a time of spiritual crises. We are watching the world as we know it changes irrevocably. We are seeing suffering both at the hands of the disease and in the reactions to it. We’ve heard stories of hospitals overrun, day laborers driven to starvation for lack of work,…

Freedom is an interesting subject in our world. It’s an elusive and often complicated term defined by our culture, our perspective and our Earthly laws. In Nepal, bond-slavery was a common practice until nearly a decade ago. All over the world, slavery still exists. And while efforts to eradicate this practice from the planet are…

I was recently sharing with someone about Mission ONE and specifically the work we do with our partners in Lebanon. This past year was hard for the entire world, but Lebanon seemed to have one significant obstacle after another. There was the economic collapse, followed by COVID, followed by the Beirut explosion, followed by the…

When it’s Christmas, we all get into the giving spirit. We talk about what we’re thankful for and spend time with loved ones and turn a charitable heart towards strangers as well. But for many, it’s also a draining and exhausting time of year.

By Jackie Parks, Coordinator of Strategic Projects: North Africa & the Middle East This Holy Week is unlike anything we’ve ever experienced before. It’s hard to know how to process and celebrate in the midst of crisis and uncertainty. For most of us, in person church services and normal Easter celebrations have been moved to…

by Jackie Parks, Coordinator of Strategic Projects: North Africa & the Middle East, Mission ONE Every day for the past 2 weeks, I’ve spent my time digging through the files of Mission ONE. My task was simple enough: familiarize myself with the organization and create some social media posts that would introduce our partners to…

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