Locally Sustained Community Development

Projects like The Kenya Pig Project wouldn’t be successful in bringing hope and restoration to vulnerable communities without the work, dedication, and expertise of our global partners. Since they live and work in the communities where they serve, they’re uniquely positioned to solve complex problems and usher in solutions. When you partner with Mission ONE,…

“The opportunity for philanthropy is the opportunity to reflect, to listen, to learn, to craft responses and solutions that are based and rooted in the ideas of people who live and work in the communities that you want to empower and help.” –Ford Foundation President Darren Walker Many of us desire to serve vulnerable populations…

Many communities living in extreme poverty experience the trap of generational poverty. Disadvantages, inequality, lack of opportunities, ineffective systems, and poor outcomes collectively work against individuals making it virtually impossible to break the cycle of poverty for themselves, their children, and future generations. Generational poverty is said to impact at least three generations. That means…

Many communities living in extreme poverty are often overlooked in their skills, resources, and general desire to provide for their own basic needs and that of their families. Through your support of Mission ONE, we’re partnering with organizations that live in the very areas they’re serving. This means they have a deeper understanding of the…

Over the past quarter, we’ve been diving into Mission ONE’s work with the Cave People. The Cave People, also known as the Chepang, are an indigenous group in Nepal that our partners have been ministering to for over a decade, helping them build homes and start a goat microeconomy to sustain an income. We’ve explored…

“We want to plant healthy churches in places there are none.” – Mission ONE Partner, Nepal. Mission ONE has the privilege of working in more than 21 countries all around the world, partnering to end poverty and make communities more like the Kingdom of God. Whether it’s with a women’s co-op in Kenya or with…

Nestled in the wild jungle of south-central Nepal, an indigenous tribe named the Chepang have made their home among the trees and were living off the land. A group of about 175 families, the community was nicknamed the “Cave People” for the caves they had carved in the hillsides to find shelter, homeless for as…

Work has always been part of God’s design for his people, starting with Adam, who was tasked with taking care of all the animals and plants on earth. In fact, Ecclesiastes 2:24 says “there is nothing better than to enjoy food and drink and to find satisfaction in work.” All work is meant to glorify…

When Christians are seeking out ways to help those around them, their best intentions are leading the efforts. They want to impart their knowledge, love, and understanding onto others so that they may feel the infinite love of our Creator. However, when we try to insert ourselves into a scenario we are called to or…

  Pastor Pious is a graduate of Africa International University and today he is one of our partners through Evangelical Free Church, South Sudan. He is a leader in his community and his family is thriving. But life has not always looked so hopeful for Pastor Pious. At one point he found himself out of…

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3 Ways to Honor God on Your Next Mission Trip

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