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The Ephesians 2 Gospel Project was born out of a realization that Ephesians 2:11–22, a text about the gospel of peace through cross-cultural unity in Christ, is widely ignored as part of the gospel. In our Western culture, the gospel is often viewed through an individualistic lens. With this perspective, much is missed about how…

For refugees, escaping war and persecution in their home countries doesn’t result in the end of all struggle. Resettling comes with its own host of challenges. In addition to the trauma they already experienced which led to them fleeing their homes, they are then faced with language and communication barriers, differing cultures, and separation from…

There is power in sharing someone’s story. There is power in being seen and heard. There is power in connecting with a person you’ll likely never have a chance to meet. Mission ONE is working to transform Pokot, Kenya through a local Indigenous partner living and working in the community. In 2021, the All-Girls School…

At Mission ONE, we have humbly spent decades building quality relationships with global partners, learning by listening, observing, and staying steadfast. Our work with indigenous changemakers, leaders, and experts has given us a ton of insight on how to successfully create cross-cultural partnerships that honor God and make the world more like the Kingdom. Many…

“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” –Matthew 6:33 At Mission ONE, we seek to make the world more like the Kingdom of God, but we’re breaking down what that looks like for us as we work with indigenous partners, bring about restoration,…

God always sees all His people. Not in the state they may perceive themselves, but in the way we were originally created, in the Image of God. In Hagar’s story, she sees herself as alone and abandoned with her son, thirsty and dying in the desert. But God, he sees her and calls her up,…

Meet Willy, the visionary who has walked alongside the Pokot people and shared God’s love for over a decade. The vision of the All-Girls School in Pokot, Kenya began in the heart of Willy, a 22-year partner of Mission ONE and fervent disciple of Christ, who genuinely cares for the body, mind, and soul of…

In Pokot, Kenya, a nomadic people group is navigating their way in a changing society. Known for their investment in agriculture and animal husbandry, the community’s wealth is measured in the ownership of cows. As students in the US go back-to-school shopping, many girls in Pokot are preparing for their weddings or nursing newborns. The…

The book of Ephesians is one of the most talked about in scripture. In the first sections (Eph. 1-3) it describes what God has done for humanity; the good news, our salvation. In the next part (Eph. 4-5) it gives instructions on how to live in light of those blessings, and (Eph. 6) ends with…

For generations, women have been given the role of helpers, where submission is often advised, and expected. For example, “helper” (ezer in Hebrew), first appears in the book of Genesis (Gen 2:18) referring to the creation of Eve (woman): Then God said: “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make…
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3 Ways to Honor God on Your Next Mission Trip
We're sharing three things you should consider before you organize or participate in an international mission trip, seek to do work in the multicultural neighborhood in your own city, or embark on any cross-cultural partnership.