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Meet the People of Kijabe Town Kijabe Town is a small community of people who live about 30 miles outside of Nairobi. Its name is Maasai for “Place of the Wind” as it stands on the edge of the Great Rift Valley. It only has two roads in and out and a population of about…

Over the past quarter, we’ve been diving into Mission ONE’s work with the Cave People. The Cave People, also known as the Chepang, are an indigenous group in Nepal that our partners have been ministering to for over a decade, helping them build homes and start a goat microeconomy to sustain an income. We’ve explored…

“We want to plant healthy churches in places there are none.” – Mission ONE Partner, Nepal. Mission ONE has the privilege of working in more than 21 countries all around the world, partnering to end poverty and make communities more like the Kingdom of God. Whether it’s with a women’s co-op in Kenya or with…

Nestled in the wild jungle of south-central Nepal, an indigenous tribe named the Chepang have made their home among the trees and were living off the land. A group of about 175 families, the community was nicknamed the “Cave People” for the caves they had carved in the hillsides to find shelter, homeless for as…

What happens to a community in poverty when disaster strikes? We often think of poverty as a combination of a few passive forces that hold back a community’s ability to be more like the Kingdom of God and pursue human flourishing. It can be experiencing hunger and a lack of job opportunities, basic education, clean…

Work has always been part of God’s design for his people, starting with Adam, who was tasked with taking care of all the animals and plants on earth. In fact, Ecclesiastes 2:24 says “there is nothing better than to enjoy food and drink and to find satisfaction in work.” All work is meant to glorify…

At Mission ONE, our vision is to see communities of poverty transformed to be more like the Kingdom of God. In a remote village in the wild jungle of Nepal, God is at work through His church, bringing hope to one of the hardest places. Meet the “Cave People” The Chepang people are an indigenous…

For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross. Colossians 1:19-20 The Church in a Landfill In 2014 I took my first trip to Indonesia. My experience showed me what we are asking when…

For many, the last year has been a time of spiritual crises. We are watching the world as we know it changes irrevocably. We are seeing suffering both at the hands of the disease and in the reactions to it. We’ve heard stories of hospitals overrun, day laborers driven to starvation for lack of work,…

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3 Ways to Honor God on Your Next Mission Trip

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