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The church today looks a lot different than it did even over the last 50 years or so. Like anything else, as time passes, things shift and change. Forces affect how we think about certain things around us, and the church is not exempt from this. Popular culture is ever changing and always competing for…

Recently, we’ve taken some time to consider the topic of identity and how it can be affected by many things such as stereotypes as covered in our interview with Mission ONE Theologian-in-Residence, Jackson Wu. Outside of a western look at identity, we’ve seen the impact of how we view ourselves and how others view us…

It should come as no surprise that the topic of identity is considered one of the most talked about among Christian and secular circles alike. It’s in our nature to be curious about who we are, and find our purpose—whether that question comes up today, or in the future. Not only does our identity play…

As we get ready to close out another year, we want to spend some time taking a look at the different ways Advent is celebrated around the world. It’s an important time of celebration and joy that directs our hearts and minds to the anniversary of our Lord’s birth. The word Advent derives from the…

Investing in education can mean the difference between ending or continuing the generational cycle of poverty all over the world. December 8th is Giving Day and we’re inviting you to join us as we make a collective and powerful advancement for students in some of the most vulnerable communities all over the world. When you…

“Theology matters for community development because it reminds us that all of life is all for Jesus. The Bible shapes how we see the world, ourselves, and, most importantly, the Lord. The Spirit uses Scripture to change hearts and sustain lifestyles that glorify Christ and honor all peoples.” –Jackson Wu, Theologian-in-Residence, Mission ONE. Community development…

Projects like The Kenya Pig Project wouldn’t be successful in bringing hope and restoration to vulnerable communities without the work, dedication, and expertise of our global partners. Since they live and work in the communities where they serve, they’re uniquely positioned to solve complex problems and usher in solutions. When you partner with Mission ONE,…

“The opportunity for philanthropy is the opportunity to reflect, to listen, to learn, to craft responses and solutions that are based and rooted in the ideas of people who live and work in the communities that you want to empower and help.” –Ford Foundation President Darren Walker Many of us desire to serve vulnerable populations…

Many communities living in extreme poverty experience the trap of generational poverty. Disadvantages, inequality, lack of opportunities, ineffective systems, and poor outcomes collectively work against individuals making it virtually impossible to break the cycle of poverty for themselves, their children, and future generations. Generational poverty is said to impact at least three generations. That means…

Many communities living in extreme poverty are often overlooked in their skills, resources, and general desire to provide for their own basic needs and that of their families. Through your support of Mission ONE, we’re partnering with organizations that live in the very areas they’re serving. This means they have a deeper understanding of the…

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3 Ways to Honor God on Your Next Mission Trip

We're sharing three things you should consider before you organize or participate in an international mission trip, seek to do work in the multicultural neighborhood in your own city, or embark on any cross-cultural partnership.

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