The Church Goes Where it Hasn’t

We were never intended to live in poverty, divided against one another, with little hope for peace, yet that is what most marginalized communities around the world are facing.   This is why our local indigenous partners spend their time and resources engaging with these communities in order for them to feel known and seen in…

The Ephesians 2 Gospel Project was born out of a realization that Ephesians 2:11–22, a text about the gospel of peace through cross-cultural unity in Christ, is widely ignored as part of the gospel.   In our Western culture, the gospel is often viewed through an individualistic lens. With this perspective, much is missed about how…

As we continue to talk about seeing God’s glory in communities across the world, we want to bring your attention back to Nepal, where Mission ONE has spent a significant amount of time alongside local partners, doing life together and helping meet the needs of the local community. We believe that both body and spirit…

At Mission ONE, our vision is to see communities of poverty transformed to be more like the Kingdom of God. In a remote village in the wild jungle of Nepal, God is at work through His church, bringing hope to one of the hardest places. Meet the “Cave People” The Chepang people are an indigenous…

For many, the last year has been a time of spiritual crises. We are watching the world as we know it changes irrevocably. We are seeing suffering both at the hands of the disease and in the reactions to it. We’ve heard stories of hospitals overrun, day laborers driven to starvation for lack of work,…

For many, the difficulties of this year have called into question a lot of previously held beliefs. 2020 has been a time of awakening as much as it has been a time of concern.

In Kenya, the Massai people have traditionally worshipped tribal deities. Courage and strength have been held in the highest regard amidst their volatile terrain. Recently though, one of our partners has been building a relationship with a tribal leader. Up until now, there has been a great deal of resistance to Jesus’ teachings. Entrenched in…

God’s Patience is For Everyone None of us know when we’re going to be called. We can’t foresee the time or the circumstances. It can be in our bleakest of days or at moments when we think we’ve achieved our maximum potential. We also can’t fully prepare for who our messenger will be, but if…

The healing power of Christ helps Druze woman and her family open themselves to the gospel in the Middle East For many years, the Druze people in the Middle East have lived without the knowledge of Christ’s light and love. Fortunately, the faithful support of friends like you have helped our partners in the Middle…

There are two kinds of freedom in this world. Freedom of your body, from harm and control by external forces. And freedom of your mind, from thoughts that plague your sense of worthiness, your disserving of peace, and your right to love and prosperity. In Nepal, the “Haliya system” was responsible for the enslavement of…

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