Druze Woman Accepts Christ After Miraculous Healing

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The healing power of Christ helps Druze woman and her family open themselves to the gospel in the Middle East

For many years, the Druze people in the Middle East have lived without the knowledge of Christ’s light and love. Fortunately, the faithful support of friends like you have helped our partners in the Middle East stretch out their hands of love and care to the Druze people, while sharing the Good News.

What started as a dream and vision to bring the knowledge of our Heavenly Father to the Druze, led to the Lord’s abundant blessing on this mission. To date, more than 250 Druze people have renounced their Druze faith and committed their lives to Jesus Christ.

For some Druze men and women it took a challenging life event to see the good God has planned for their lives.

Women like Miriam … whose siblings strongly believed in Jesus Christ. While, she was always open to listening to her siblings share about the gospel, she remained strong in her Druze faith.

Unfortunately one day, a poisonous snake bit Miriam while she was watering her garden. She was immediately hospitalized, and tragically, the doctors were unable to stop the poison from taking effect.

Miriam fell into a coma and her doctors lost all hope for her recovery.

When Miriam’s nieces, Fatima and Laila, found out about their aunt’s health crisis, they rushed to the hospital to be by her side. Fatima felt a call to pray for her recovery. While she was praying aloud in the name of Jesus Christ, her sister Laila saw an image of Jesus standing next to Miriam, placing His hand on her.

The next day, during routine bloodwork, the doctors discovered that Miriam’s blood had returned to normal!

The story of the miraculous healing hand of Jesus was shared throughout the village and within the Druze community. Many Druze people opened themselves to hear about good works of the Lord.

And thanks to God’s loving care and sovereignty, Miriam woke up from her coma and made a full recovery. Today, she and her immediate family — who were once against biblical truth — are strong Christian believers. They share with others that through Jesus, nothing is impossible.

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