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The Bible tells us that we are all created in the image of God, that we have been equipped and gifted with unique talents for a purpose and for His glory.
Unfortunately, communities across the world have shifted the way they see or think about certain concepts in the Bible, including ‘being fearfully and wonderfully made’.
Many people don’t know that they have divinely gifted talents and resources. Challenges and adversity make it difficult for them to feel empowered and hope is lost.
But when Mission ONE, along with our global partners, help communities in the hard places create economic and educational opportunities, dignity is restored and hope prevails. Using their gifts and talents to care for themselves and their families, brings joy and honor to God—in both the physical and spiritual.
No matter the work God is doing in our lives, we are designed in His image to do things that make us more like His Kingdom here on earth.
Dignified Work
Many societies demand that women submit to men and fully rely on their fathers or husbands to operate in the world. This way of living inherently diminishes a woman’s value and brings about a dependent relationship that limits personal growth and the ability to believe one is capable of using their talents and creating good things.
Our creator made each and every one of us to create. There are many passages that talk about work and it being good.
“He has filled them with skill to do all kinds of work as engravers, designers, embroiderers in blue, purple and scarlet yarn and fine linen, and weavers—all of them skilled workers and designers.” – Exodus 35:35
And even if circumstances have limited us in seeing our God-given talents and passions, it is still possible to develop them and create a beautiful tapestry of love and community.
Mission ONE and our global partners focus on the importance of making this world more like the Kingdom, and by creating opportunities for dignified work, we create a shift in cultures that can move mountains.
Women Moving Mountains
In order to bring hope back to people, we must let God do His work in us, for He will show His love and compassion through our actions and obedience.
Going back to women, particularly in East Africa, our local partners have recognized a need that could perhaps be transformed into opportunity. For women there—limited in making decisions or work, it’s hard to look beyond today. With little or no educational opportunities, many women become mothers shortly after the teen years and their husbands have control. While this is culturally normal in parts of East Africa, it prevents women from growing spiritually or personally in confidence.
We believe that women everywhere can be powerful leaders, missionaries, and earners for their family if only given the chance to embody their God-given strength.
Our partners in Kenya created a sewing center to help women feel empowered, regain confidence, and create something marketable that can also help earn an income.
This amazing opportunity to contribute to their families, also brings about hope to future generations—establishing a respect within their society, opening doors for education and building confidence to be what God created them to be.
They are able to engage with other women in their community and strengthen relationships experiencing God’s glory together and recovering their dignity through work.
A sewing center compared to a church may seem like the lesser of two options when it comes to enlightenment and ministry. But it’s important to remember that
Our job isn’t always to give the Bible to as many people as possible, our mission is to give as many people as possible the ability to access it and meet Jesus—He will do the rest.
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3 Ways to Honor God on Your Next Mission Trip
We're sharing three things you should consider before you organize or participate in an international mission trip, seek to do work in the multicultural neighborhood in your own city, or embark on any cross-cultural partnership.