Chicken project

We want to share a story with you about one of the employees of the chicken project our local partner, Pastor Thomas, started in the Kiryandongo Refugee Camp. John, a 17-year-old from South Sudan, lost his father in the ongoing civil war in his home country. Struggling with grief and her own battle of addiction,…

The Kiryandongo Refugee Camp in Uganda currently hosts over 60,000 refugees who have fled the effects of war in their home countries. Like our local partner, most of those living in this camp are from South Sudan and have tried to escape the civil war there. Though entering into a more stable country can bring…

Our local partner in Uganda, Pastor Thomas, has found a way to truly love his neighbor as himself—to meet those around him exactly where they are at and care for their needs in a tangible way. From South Sudan, he and his family fled the ongoing war and found safety in the neighboring country of…

For refugees, escaping war and persecution in their home countries doesn’t result in the end of all struggle. Resettling comes with its own host of challenges. In addition to the trauma they already experienced which led to them fleeing their homes, they are then faced with language and communication barriers, differing cultures, and separation from…
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3 Ways to Honor God on Your Next Mission Trip
We're sharing three things you should consider before you organize or participate in an international mission trip, seek to do work in the multicultural neighborhood in your own city, or embark on any cross-cultural partnership.