Bridging Health Care Gaps in Pokot, Kenya

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For years, the Pokot community in Kenya has faced challenges accessing healthcare. To receive basic medical care, they must travel over 80 miles to the closest hospital. Unfortunately, this distance has led to heartbreaking losses, with individuals losing their lives while journeying to access medical care. This is particularly affecting vulnerable groups such as children and expectant mothers.

“If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person? Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.” —1 John 3:17-18

The Journey to a Healthier Community

Seeing the challenges encountered by the Pokot community, our local partner spent time to get to know them—their culture, their language, what they had going for them, and what they needed. The biggest thing this community lacked was access to a hospital or clinic. With his deep desire to provide this need, our local partner decided to start three medical clinics in the community.

These clinics are run by compassionate professionals who understand the community’s unique challenges. Offering a comprehensive range of services including essential medications, wound care, anti-venom treatment, disease testing, and crucial maternal and child health services, these clinics serve as lifelines for the community.

On average, the three clinics collectively serve about 2,670 individuals each month. Every interaction in these clinics serves as a chance to offer healthcare education and an opportunity to share the message and hope of Jesus to those receiving care.

Our local partner has also built a mortuary close to one of the clinics to honor the cultural tradition of the community. This establishment offers a respectful environment where community members can honor their departed loved ones.

Embracing Growth Amidst Challenges

The impact of these efforts has been life-changing! Individuals who used to worry about not getting vaccines or timely medical help are now doing so much better. Mothers no longer endure childbirth alone, and children have a better chance at a healthy future.

Despite these achievements, challenges lie ahead. Limited resources, insufficient equipment, and the need for ongoing government support create challenges to long-term sustainability.

As we celebrate the incredible journey of health care in Pokot, Kenya, our hearts overflow with gratitude for the impact that has been achieved. We extend heartfelt thanks for your generosity, which paved the way for a healthier Pokot community.

“When we see projects like the medical clinics being sustained, even through difficult periods like the Covid 19 period, and running throughout the year 24 hours in service, providing medicine and sustaining staff, we have a clear hope of continuity.” —Mission ONE Local Partner in Pokot, Kenya

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