With your impact, Mission ONE invests in planting churches where there are none across Africa, Asia, and the Middle East—eradicating long-standing practices of physical and spiritual darkness.
When we plant churches in rural villages, we come alongside communities to meet both their physical and spiritual needs through the lens of the gospel. We also seek to support and empower local pastors and leaders who are serving their communities day after day as they build the church on God’s Word.
In doing so, individuals and families are being shown a new way. One in which they are loved, seen, and deeply valued for who they are, not merely for what they have to offer or who the world says they are. They are fining a sense of belonging and community despite often being cast aside in their own societies.
This is the power of God at work through the local church, and we’re thankful for your partnership in making this possible!
The tangible impact you are making
We want to share a story with you about a woman who has been greatly impacted by a local church you helped plant with your support of Mission ONE.
Mama Achola, a widow and sole provider for her eight children, found herself in a desperate situation and without support. After fleeing the ongoing conflict and political and economic unrest in South Sudan, she was struggling to keep her family alive in a refugee camp in Uganda. Without resources to provide for her family, she was unsure where to turn next.
Because of your support of our local partner, Pastor Thomas, she was met with the love of Jesus, a church family, and the support she needed to provide basic needs for her family.
Pastor Thomas, a refugee from South Sudan himself, also fled the effects of war to find safety for his family in this same refugee camp. He knows firsthand the struggles felt in the camp and knew he had to do something about it. He began mentoring with many in the community and raised up leaders as he planted three local churches with your support.
It was in one of these churches where Mama Achola found a renewed hope. Not only did her church family come alongside her to provide food and immediate supplies, they also provided her with financial assistance that she used to start her own small business. In doing so, she found purpose as she began using her God-given gifts to provide for her family long term.
We want to keep coming alongside women, men, and children, like Mama Achola’s family, through the local church. We want to meet both physical and spiritual needs for the gospel’s sake, encouraging others in who they have been created to be, and restoring hope with the message of Jesus Christ.
Restoring hope for the long term
In an effort to sustain this ministry for many years to come, Pastor Thomas came to us with the idea of starting a chicken project in this refugee camp. He knew this would not only provide an affordable source of food for a community in desperate need, but it would also help generate a profit that can be used to continue investing in this ministry.
We’re excited to report that the chicken project directly employs three individuals with plans to expand in the near future, and has also prompted many small business opportunities for those who have been unable to find dignified work to provide for their families. The income generated has also provided Pastor Thomas with the financial ability to send his children to school.
We’re praising God for his work in the Kiryandongo Refugee Camp and in the lives of women like Mama Achola. What a testament to the Kingdom impact you’re a part of when you give to Mission ONE.
Thank you for your support in transforming communities around the world as we share the hope of Jesus Christ through the local church!
This December, we’re seeking to raise $250,000 so we can continue planting churches where there are none and restoring hope with the message of the gospel.
Together, we can plant more churches and help more families!
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3 Ways to Honor God on Your Next Mission Trip
We're sharing three things you should consider before you organize or participate in an international mission trip, seek to do work in the multicultural neighborhood in your own city, or embark on any cross-cultural partnership.