Teaching virtue in theological education. Part 2 with Jonathan Worthington
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Jonathan Worthington, PhD, Durham University, is the author of Creation in Paul and Philo and serves as Vice President of Theological Education with Training Leaders International
Adult learning brings in experience to the classroom, but it can also mean there’s some unlearning that needs to happen as well. Teachers need to be aware of these dynamics when thinking through pedagogy.
Jackson and Jonathan talk through these principles for shaping curriculum:
- Go deeper in fewer areas
- Focus on skills while being rich in content
- Engage the text, then theology
So much of his work through these teaching issues started with a discomfort with the current tasks given in a traditional seminary context. For example, just giving a sample sermon in class. Worthington asserts that there are micro-skills that should fit into the macro skill of preaching.
Some questions discussed:
What are the micro-skills needed for preaching/teaching?
How does pedagogy impact the development of virtue?
Resources mentioned:
Spiritual Formation by Training Leaders in their Indigenious Cultures: The Importance of Cultural Humility and Virtue Theory, Jonathan D. Worthington, Everett L. Worthington, Jr.
After You Believe: Why Christian Character Matters, N.T. Wright
A Vision and Philosophy For Developing A Curriculum of Non-Formal Cross-Cultural Theological Education, Jonathan D. Worthington
Some Worthington articles:
Put on Trifocals. God is More than Sovereign.
The Bible Story on a Kid’s Napkin
How we Missed the Honor-Shame Focus in Scripture.
Would Paul be Considered a Bad Missionary Today?
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