Loving a Community through a Sustainable Project

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Our local partner in Uganda, Pastor Thomas, has found a way to truly love his neighbor as himself—to meet those around him exactly where they are at and care for their needs in a tangible way.

From South Sudan, he and his family fled the ongoing war and found safety in the neighboring country of Uganda. Relocating to the Kiryandongo Refugee Camp, he quickly began building relationships with others which led to the start of multiple church plants.

He was able to relate and find common ground with those he was mentoring as they were facing the same challenges. Because of the severe lack of resources and opportunities in the camp, many have been unable to find work to provide for their families and struggle to find affordable food and send their children to school.

In response to this great need, Pastor Thomas chose to love his community by creating a system of sustainability through a chicken project.

Loving His Neighbors Through a Chicken Project

With yours and Mission ONE’s support, the project began with 300 chickens which were fed and raised to be sold as meat. They had great success selling both their first and second batches of chickens, and they are currently in the process of selling their third batch of 300 chickens.

In fact, many refugees bought the chickens from this project and decided to roast them themselves to sell at the market. Because our local partner is selling the chickens at a reasonable price, others have been able to create their own businesses and provide a sustainable source of income for their families. With the increased income, families are sending their children to school, and they are on their way to having a better future.

Currently employing three individuals, this project is proving job opportunities and showing the community that there’s still hope in finding dignified work. Not only that, but this project is also providing an accessible source of food for the community.

Guided By God’s Word

It’s ultimately because of the love Pastor Thomas has for the Lord and the power of the Holy Spirit inside of him that propels him in this ministry. It’s because of his relationship with God that he has made it his mission to sustain this community for his glory and the honor of all people.

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.” —Mark 12:30-31

May we be encouraged by the creativity of our local partner and the love he has for his community!

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