Locally Sustaining Ministry Through a Coffee Project

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At Mission ONE, we partner with the local church in sharing the gospel with unreached people groups, but that’s not all. We also find creative solutions to sustain ministry in order for its reach to far surpass what can be seen in the here and now.

Our partner in Nepal is no different!

Since 2004, they have been equipping pastors to plant churches and minister to their communities. Utilizing various sectors such as health, education, agriculture, and vocational training, they are sharing the love of Jesus Christ to the people of Nepal all through the expression of the local church.

This ministry is currently funded through individual donors and a few organizations, but we are now seeking to generate income locally.

This month, we’ve been talking about the coffee farm project that our partner in Nepal has been gearing up to start which will allow them to take steps towards being self-sustained.

After purchasing the land and initiating the groundwork, the project aims to yield its first harvest after 3-4 years. The coffee will be sold both locally and internationally as the market for it has grown both in Nepal and overseas.

As the project expands, the goal is to use this farm as a model to train others on the process of how to grow coffee in their own fields. By sharing this knowledge with the community, they are given the chance to earn a dignified wage and provide for their families—ultimately creating a sense of sustainability in their own lives.

This farming method will also be taught to the local church leaders which will allow them to be sustained in their ministries as well. It will give them the resources they need to continue serving their communities and sharing the gospel with unreached people groups in remote villages. By teaching them this trade, they are also able to generate an income to provide for the needs of their own families.

The long-term goal of this project is to generate enough income to sustain the entire ministry of this organization.

Not only does this sustainability model empower our partner in their ministry, but it reduces their dependence on the West as well. It also serves as an example to other organizations as they see our partner invest in the ministry God has given them to steward.

When you support this coffee project, you are intentionally expanding the reach of the gospel in Nepal and advancing the presence of this ministry for years to come.

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