Celebrating Your Impact across Africa, Asia, and the Middle East

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We’re taking a moment to reflect on the work of the Lord. As we look at this past year, we are reminded both of the origin of Mission ONE and the formation of each of our long-established relationships with our partners around the world.

Here are a few of our reflections and what we’re celebrating:

Construction progress in Pokot, Kenya

Mission ONE has been partnering with a local ministry in Kenya since 2000. Throughout this time, we have been building a long-term relationship of trust not just with our partner, but also with the community of Pokot. Almost three years ago, we partnered together to build an all-girls school in this remote village, but this ministry began way before then. We are now seeing a major transformation in the community as they are understanding the value their daughters hold as image-bearers of God.

Today, we’re celebrating the 69 girls who are currently attending the all-girls high school. This is an increase of 51 more girls attending this year compared to last year! The growth is an incredible testimony of the intentional and persistent ministry that your impact has invested in for over 23 years.

During our partner visit this past summer, we visited the school and were deeply encouraged to see the construction of the new high school facilities being built because of so many partners’ faithful support. This new space is accommodating for the increasing interest in the all-girls school. This building should be finished by the end of this year, and ready to be used in 2024.

Praise God for your impact in Pokot over the past two decades which has brought us to where we are today!

Building relationships in Nepal

With your impact, Mission ONE has been partnering with local leaders in Nepal to reach unreached people groups with the good news of Jesus Christ for over 14 years. Ministering to remote villages requires a commitment to the long-term development of deep and intentional relationships built on the foundation of trust.

We’ve been witness to the incredible transformation God has done through this ministry as your support has helped us engage with, provide resources for, and share the love of Christ with the Cave People — a tribe of about 175 families known for carving caves in the hillsides for shelter due to their extreme generational cycles of poverty. The long-term sustainability we have been able to provide for them with your support is made possible because of the years spent building relationships and earning trust in this village.

Today, along with our local partner, we have been able to reach another remote village similarly. We have just begun to engage with the Musahar community which is made up of about 110 families with a population of around 600-800 people. Considered the lowest in the caste system and unrecognized by the government, we desire to rewrite the narrative and help an entire people group understand their value in light of who God says they are. We have begun food distribution to meet the immediate needs of this community and have provided food for 100 families.

With your support, this is the beginning of a long-term relationship rooted in the hope of God and the spiritual and physical transformation of this community. Thank you for your faithfulness to see the fruit of this ministry for the long term!

Discipling communities in the Middle East

Mission ONE has been in partnership with local leaders in the Middle East since 2001. Sharing the gospel in this context presents a challenge due to the prevailing skepticism influenced by other religious beliefs. However, we’ve been fortunate to collaborate with a local partner who shares a similar background. This has led to trusted relationships being built and the formation of unique discipling opportunities. With your impact, we have been able to partner together in helping local families and refugees rebuild their lives and communities through small, missional business initiatives while sharing the hope of God through the local church.

Today, we are praising God for the 10 new discipleship groups that have been formed in this community, and the 30 people who are ready to be baptized! Your impact is also building up and preparing these believers to become leaders in expanding the local church in their communities.

This year, we’ll be sharing more about how the development of our trusted partnerships over the last 32 years has led to transformational change in entire communities for the gospel’s sake.

Thank you for joining us in this Kingdom work and for your faithfulness to see the goodness of the Lord!

“I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.” —Psalm 27:13-14

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