Doing Theology. Thinking Mission. Podcast

What do we talk about? Jackson, Werner, and Carrie discuss how practically to apply a model of contextualization. A formula has an input and an output. That is not what we mean by biblically faithful and culturally meaningful contextualization. This model of contextualization is not a formula, it’s a process. Since it’s not enough to…

What do we talk about? What are the stories that make us who we are? This is a critical question that few of us spend time thinking about. Brandon O’Brien has spent a lot of time reflecting on a few of the major myths that shape every person. These include the personal myth, the communal…

Rethinking Cross-Cultural Partnerships (Interview with William Strickland) What do we talk about? Jackson and Werner interview William Strickland, who challenges people to rethink their understanding of healthy cross-cultural partnerships. William is candid about the difficulties mission agencies face and the inevitable failures that are bound to happen when we don’t give intentional thought to partnership….

Jackson’s article “Have Theologians No Sense of Shame?” sparked some deep discussion on how to understand shame in Scripture. Sacred, social, and psychological shame are all present in the Bible, but figuring out what’s what can be messy. Our discussion on subjective versus objective shame will clear up the muddy waters. Apart from the high-level…

Work as a Commentary on God’s Character (w/ Jim Mullins) What do we talk about? Jim Mullins is a storyteller. He seeks creative expressions of God’s kingdom in everything from wearing a clown suit to being a part of a human shield to protect his neighbors at a Mosque in Phoenix. Jackson and Carrie…

For Chris Flanders, Frank Henderson Stewart’s Honor is a helpful backbone in understanding honor-shame dynamics in all cultures. What do we talk about? Jackson interviews Chris Flanders who says there is no such thing as “honor” or “honor cultures. Yet, this seems to contradict much of what’s been written about honor and shame cultures….

All theology is contextualized. Sometimes we hate to admit that because it leaves us with admittedly missing pieces in our biblical understanding puzzle. We want to believe we are coming to the text as a neutral interpreter. Spoiler alert: there’s no such thing as a neutral interpreter. None of us reads with an acultural…

While formulas are comfortable, our pursuit of simple, efficient, and portable gospel explanations have led to an anemic church. Is the gospel the message about how to get saved? Maybe not completely. Our fixation on certain doctrines can undermine gospel presentations. In the Cambridge Declaration, which attempts to summarize the gospel, renowned Christian leaders and…
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3 Ways to Honor God on Your Next Mission Trip
We're sharing three things you should consider before you organize or participate in an international mission trip, seek to do work in the multicultural neighborhood in your own city, or embark on any cross-cultural partnership.