Understanding the Gospel in Your Own Culture

*The names in this blog post have been changed to protect the identity of our partners. In our last blog post, we addressed the importance of philosophy in Christianity and how some beliefs, like those of the Greek Philosophers Plato and Aristotle, have affected the theology and teachings of many Christians across the world over…

The church today looks a lot different than it did even over the last 50 years or so. Like anything else, as time passes, things shift and change. Forces affect how we think about certain things around us, and the church is not exempt from this. Popular culture is ever changing and always competing for…

If you could snap our fingers to eradicate shame from the world, would you do it? Would it be a better place? This is not as easy and straight-forward a question to answer as you might think. Consider the ways that honor and shame influence our moral decision. I recently gave a talk at Redemption…

Back in October, I published an article in Mission Dei Journal. I’m just not getting an opportunity to let you know about it. The title of the article is “From One Honor-Shame Culture to Another: A Proposal for Training Chinese Missionaries to Serve in Muslim Contexts.” This was probably the most challenging article/book chapter I’ve ever…

Exploring the Gospel’s Cultural Context Personally and Around the Globe As the Coordinator of Strategic Projects in Asia for Mission ONE, my job is to work with our indigenous partners on strategic projects they are pursuing to make their communities a little more like the kingdom of God. Little did I know how transformative this…

The Problem of White Shame How does “white shame” factor into discussions about racism in America? What one means by the term “white shame” may vary, but I will focus on something particular. I do not indicate the idea that whites are ashamed of being white. Rather, by “white shame,” I refer to the shame…

Written by Jackson Wu, Mission ONE Theologian-in-Residence Many have talked about how stressful life has become since the coronavirus hit America. Schedules and routines are upended. People feel on edge. For me, however, the past week or so has felt strangely familiar, almost like putting on an old well-worn sweatshirt. Public Domain Upon reflection, I…

Photo credit: Wikimedia/Poochan50 In this article, originally published here on January 22, 2020, Jackson Wu explores how honor shame cultures would benefit from leadership training that better aligns with their cultural context, versus a traditional Western perspective on leadership development that tends to be more individualistic in nature. Read the full article here.
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3 Ways to Honor God on Your Next Mission Trip
We're sharing three things you should consider before you organize or participate in an international mission trip, seek to do work in the multicultural neighborhood in your own city, or embark on any cross-cultural partnership.