Displaced Syrian Family Finds Hope Through Christ During Dark Times

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Our partners in the Middle East help a Syrian father after family loses everything in the war

Like millions of other Syrians over the past several years, Badar and his family — a wife and two children — fled Syria during the ongoing devastating and violent war. Displaced from their home, they lost all of their possessions and sought refuge in Wadi al-Nasara, an area in western Syria close to the Lebanese border.

This was only the beginning of Badar’s harrowing journey for survival amidst ongoing conflict. With no job or resources, Badar’s struggled to provide for his children. The family lived in extreme poverty and lacked access to basic necessities such as food and water.

If this wasn’t bad enough, Badar then began experiencing severe health complications and he ultimately lost his kidney.

There was little hope for their future.

Thankfully, Mission ONE Patrons like you support the efforts of our on-the-ground partners. While our partner’s main focus is sharing the gospel among unreached peoples in the Middle East, they also share the love and care of Christ through relief outreach and support.

The Lord had not forgotten about Badar and his family. Our partner met him while preparing and distributing food packets and hygiene kits to vulnerable families in Wadi al-Nasara. They visited Badar at home and were heartbroken to see the pain his family was experiencing as a result of their displacement.

Not only were they on the verge of starvation, but they were about to lose the roof over their heads — the one resource keeping them safe.

Thanks to you, our partners were able to provide Badar’s family with the supplies and food they desperately needed and even worked with their landlord to exempt Badar from rental fees for six months.

During this outpouring of support, Badar was able to see how the Lord provided for the needs of his family during their darkest hour. Our partners also gave him a Bible and shared the Good News.

Badar and his family now live with the love of Christ in their lives and have hope for a brighter future.

Thank you for making stories like these possible!

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