India is a nation characterized by its rich diversity of cultures and languages. The Indian people operate within the cultural class system tied to Hinduism. Navigating the complexities of this system presents unique challenges for Christians who often find themselves marginalized. Women, in particular, face significant hurdles, historically treated with less respect and dignity. Our local Bible college focuses on transforming this narrative by educating and empowering individuals to integrate their faith into everyday life.
Our partnership in India began in 1992, but the local Bible college was founded in 1952. Over the past 70 years, this Bible college has grown into a multifaceted ministry providing theological education, village church planter training and support, ministry training, and children’s outreach all over India. Their graduate-level college has prepared thousands of men and women who are serving the Lord all over the world. Our partners in India have reached thousands of people through evangelism and have a goal of reaching nearly 2 million by the year 2025.
“For God, who said, ‘Let there be light in the darkness,’ has made this light shine in our hearts so we could know the glory of God that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ. We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves.” —2 Corinthians 4:6-7
As part of our shared mission, our local partner has identified an urgent need to reach and engage professionals in their respective fields. One impactful story comes from a young woman named Rashmi (name has been changed) in their “Young Adults” fellowship at a local church. Since joining the fellowship, Rashmi has seen transformative changes in her life, becoming diligent in prayer and Bible study—habits she had not practiced earnestly for years. Motivated by her experience, she started sharing with her colleagues Christ’s love and the salvation He offers.
Rashmi’s testimony extended beyond her own experience, capturing the attention of a non-believing colleague who remarked, “Recently, I often hear you talk about Christ and His love, and I see a lot of changes in you. It’s almost making me believe in the existence of God.” This colleague has even begun sharing these newfound thoughts with friends, who are surprised by the change in conversation, having never heard this colleague speak of “God” or “the Lord” before.
Regional Training Centers
In 1997, they established their first regional training center, marking a significant expansion of this ministry. Today, they operate 8 training centers across four regions of India, each dedicated to a comprehensive approach involving formal, non-formal, and informal training programs.
Each year, over 5,000 transformational leaders are equipped to serve and disciple their communities. Just this February 2024, they trained 818 individuals in just one month! The training they provide prepares village church planters, leaders, women trainers, and children, empowering them to lead their communities with conviction and grace.
“Our vision is to see a church in every village and colony of every town and city of our nation. There’s nothing too hard for the Lord.” —Mission ONE Local Partner in India
An Invitation for Prayer
Despite the successes, our local partners face ongoing challenges. A recent law passed in one of the states criminalizes prayer for healing as “magical healing,” which presents a new hurdle. This law is a significant concern for our missionaries and pastors who dedicate their lives to ministering and praying for the sick. It’s a reminder of the cultural and legal challenges that Christians face in India and the need for continued prayer and support from the global Christian community.
We invite you to join us in this mission—whether through prayer, giving, or becoming more informed about the challenges that Christian communities face in India.
We are deeply grateful for the ways God has moved and worked through our local Bible college. Every prayer, every leader trained, and every life touched represents a step towards a more just and compassionate world. Together, we can continue to spread the love of Jesus across the hardest places.
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3 Ways to Honor God on Your Next Mission Trip
We're sharing three things you should consider before you organize or participate in an international mission trip, seek to do work in the multicultural neighborhood in your own city, or embark on any cross-cultural partnership.