Investing in education can mean the difference between ending or continuing the generational cycle of poverty all over the world.
December 8th is Giving Day and we’re inviting you to join us as we make a collective and powerful advancement for students in some of the most vulnerable communities all over the world. When you support Mission ONE, you’re helping us walk alongside our uniquely qualified partners to create lasting and sustainable change.
With your commitment to helping Mission ONE, entire communities will be transformed, communities like the ones in Kenya.
From the Ground Up: Stories From Kenya
In Tamu, Kenya, like in many other regions, learning conditions had been less than ideal; either too expensive to afford or held in dilapidated, unsafe structures with out-of-date curriculum and a lack of basic resources. Mission ONE and our partners there are helping bring hope back to the community by restoring buildings like a former elementary school called Ebenezer Academy, in order to help children receive the education they need in a safe and healthy environment right in their hometown.
The Ebenezer Academy is becoming a source of pride for the Church and its people.
It’s not only the physical structures and tools that allow for positive change to occur, but they bring a tangible way to restore hope in the heart of God’s people.
In another area of Kenya called Pokot, young women don’t have many opportunities to receive an education. Girls are not often welcome to attend school—especially at the secondary level, and they must travel far from home if they choose to pursue it.
Ruth lives in this village, and like many others, she feels trapped. In order to learn, Ruth must travel long distances by foot every day, opening her up to trafficking, solicitations, and other dangerous situations. She dreams of having the same opportunities as her brothers and knows that education is her way to being more than a wife.
That means that IF they’re given the opportunity to learn, 130 million girls will become teachers, business owners, tradeswomen, mothers, and leaders in their communities, and they will prioritize the education of their future children.
Investing in girls’ education means that we are changing the future for communities across the world.
Mission ONE has partnered with leaders in Pokot, Kenya to start an all-girls secondary school in their community. This high school creates access to education for young women, giving them skills, opportunities and helping them understand their God-given talents and value.
“When this school was built, I felt seen for the first time in my life. This school gave me permission to dream again, dream of a better life.” -Ruth.
Mission ONE began partnering with indigenous leaders in Kenya in 1991. During the last three decades, our Mission ONE partners in Kenya have reflected the love of Jesus to tens of thousands, if not millions of people through evangelism, care, training, and support. Mission ONE envisions a world where every community is transformed for the glory of God and the honor of all peoples.
Right now, throughout the world, many students are going back to school after months of virtual education due to the pandemic, but many girls will now have the chance to attend school for the very FIRST time.
If you wish to walk alongside us in making communities more like the Kingdom of God, we THANK YOU. You can learn more here or Text M1Kenya to 41444 to give. Your investment and support will make an impact in the lives of young girls in Kenya and entire communities for generations to come.
Young Kenyan women have the opportunity to learn and have a renewed hope for their future.
We hope you will join us for Mission ONE’s Kenya giving day as our community collectively joins together to support these and other important projects.
Help us reach our goal by giving on December 8th, or give right now and help create collective and powerful change in Kenya.
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