Paving A New Path In India

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In India, there are many barriers to receiving an education. Some don’t have access to schools in their regions, while others don’t have the financial means to attend. Other children are forced to work at a young age in order to provide for their families or help their parents look after their siblings.  

For young girls, some are forced into teen marriage and caring for their young children becomes priority. If they are even allowed to be educated in their community in the first place, these societal norms take precedence over the benefits of attending and completing school.  

When children aren’t able to learn basic skills, such as reading, writing, and arithmetic, they often experience difficulties finding decent-paying employment in adulthood and end up stuck in a cycle of poverty. This lack of opportunity hinders their hope for a better life.  

After much prayer and consideration, our Mission ONE partners in India have opened 46 Adult Literacy centers across North India and Andhra Pradesh in response to the needs of their communities. These centers are providing classes for adults to learn basic skills as well as biblical lessons.  

Offered through the local church, those who begin this program are entering into true fellowship and community, often for the first time. Many are now attending church regularly and experiencing the love of God as they are finding their value in who they have been created to be.  

Women like Utra Bai, a brick trolley hauler in her community, are experiencing freedom and envisioning a new hope for their lives.  

Though she was earning a decent wage, without the understanding of how to manage her money, she continuously found herself in need. After joining the Adult Literacy program, she was taught the balance between saving money and fostering a generous heart towards others. She is thrilled to now have a savings account and also continues to help those in need. 

Because of the education she received through the Adult Literacy program, she is able to take ownership of her life. She is paving a new path for her future as she understands her God-given value and is encouraging others in theirs as well.  

Though this project benefits both men and women, it is often the women who make the biggest cultural shift in their communities, leading to the transformation of entire generations. We are praising God that there are currently over 2,000 women being trained through the Adult Literacy program.  

It’s because of programs like this that communities are being transformed to look more like the Kingdom of God. 


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