A Marathon Not a Sprint

In this world, we’re very accustomed to getting the things we want quickly. Sometimes immediately. Success or even satisfaction that is forecasted to take a long time is often met with resistance. But our Mission ONE partner’s 12-year commitment to “The Cave People” of Nepal is a testament to not only patience but the power of slow, practiced introduction to God through honest daily work and dedication.

The Cave People

Again and again, our partners have reported how the already vulnerable global communities have been devastatingly impacted by Covid and the lockdowns. So many of the world’s most impoverished people rely heavily on day labor and trade to survive. When that all but vanishes, a difficult situation becomes dire. In April 2020, it was estimated over 250 million people around the world would be pushed to the brink of starvation by the global reaction to the pandemic. The Cave People included.

So, as so many Mission ONE partners have done, the local church stepped in to help provide for the basic needs of those in jeopardy while continuing to push forth in their efforts to provide permanent shelter, establish a working farm, and supply hygienic needs.

It’s everyday work to help their fellow men and women that they attribute to their success in introducing the gospel. Not speeches from a pulpit, but honest work alongside those in need.


One of the most important steps towards progress is getting an otherwise pushed aside community formally recognized by the local government. Our partners in Nepal have been diligent about bringing local politicians to the progressing village and putting a face to the faceless in an official sense.

It has been recently reported that these efforts were a success and that the government formally recognized the villagers as a certified people group. This means more resources, more attention in times of crisis, and already an interest in helping the villagers achieve long-term sustainability.

Even more so, it’s a step in the direction of bringing glory to all of God’s people. Though we are all seen in the eyes of the lord, being recognized in a humane and welcoming way brings about a sense of value. When any people are left despondent and destitute, their ability to see the light of the Lord can be difficult. So as the world softens and the Cave People are able to thrive, they are able to see His work clearer.

The End of a Mission

As the Mission ONE partners await the arrival of animals for the farm, they are reaching the end of their time with the Cave People. We’re proud of their unflinching dedication and also their deep understanding of how God works through action and people filled with His love and the love of their fellow humans. Their constant presence has filled hearts in ways we have only begun to see.

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