
Life in Kijabe Town, Kenya, presents significant challenges for many women. Without reliable sources of income or strong community support, many women in Kijabe Town face feelings of vulnerability, isolation, and being undervalued. Some are even forced to resort to dangerous or exploitative means of survival due to the lack of economic opportunities. In response…

In Eldoret, Kenya, women often face societal barriers and limited opportunities. Our sewing ministry project aims to empower women by providing them with valuable vocational skills and the chance to discover their God-given identities. The Vision for Eldoret Our sewing ministry is designed to break these barriers by equipping women with skills in: Sewing Hairstyling…

Who is our guest? Dr. Jamie Sanchez, Professor of Intercultural Studies at Biola University What do we talk about? Single and female on the mission field, Dr. Jamie Sanchez walks us through how those dynamics impacted her team in East Asia. She shares how it is that she stewards her giftings in and out of…

Werner Mischke, Mission ONE Vice President Interviews Terri Marie, storyteller and “Restoring Honor Through Shame” Course Participant Restoring Honor Through Shame was a course led by Mission ONE in partnership with Empower Women Media in the fall of 2020. Nearly 50 female leaders from places like Pakistan, India, the Middle East, and the USA…

In many African cultures, women are still deeply embedded in a patriarchal society that demands submission, compliance, and an inherent lack of sovereignty. Many women are uneducated and rely fully on their fathers or husbands to operate within the world. This has created a systemic issue where a woman’s value is tied indiscriminately to their…

Sewing Centers in Pakistan Supporting Christian Women and Their Families It’s often that we are taught money is the root of all evil. We hear this phrase and understand it to mean that if we covet material wealth, we’re falling for one of Satan’s oldest tricks. And while there is a line to be drawn…
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3 Ways to Honor God on Your Next Mission Trip
We're sharing three things you should consider before you organize or participate in an international mission trip, seek to do work in the multicultural neighborhood in your own city, or embark on any cross-cultural partnership.