Sustaining Ministry through a Local Car Rental

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Just over two years ago, we started a car rental business alongside our local ministry partner in Kenya.

Our desired impact was both to meet a need in the community, and also create a long-term and sustainable solution to providing for our network of 25+ missionaries who are sharing the gospel across Kenya, Tanzania, South Sudan, and Uganda.

Meet Sammy

During one of our trips to Kenya, we were able to speak with Sammy, the local leader of this project. Check out this video to hear more about the vision and success of this business in supporting the ministry.


Sammy, has a passion for giving back to his community with the knowledge he’s gained from business school. Before launching this project, he evaluated the need for this type of business and gained wisdom from a friend who had started a similar company in his own community. Sammy’s love for God and his desire to build the Kingdom are his greatest motivators in this work.

With your impact, Mission ONE initially purchased the first three vehicles to be used as rentals for this business. Earlier this year, our local partner was able to purchase a fourth vehicle solely from the revenue that was generated from this project. Praise God!

During our visit to Kenya last July, we met with our local partners and discussed our goals and vision for the future. We’re excited to report that, in addition to the generated income providing for the business and operational expenses of the car rental, we’re now at the point where it can also support the long-term sustainability of the ministry itself.

This is a tangible demonstration of a successful program locally sustaining the ministry of reaching unreached people groups for the gospel’s sake. Because of your investment and commitment to seeing the fruit of this ministry, we are witness to the transformation this impact is having on the community through the local church.

This also allows us the ability to continue to invest in new projects and support the ministry of planting local churches and serving communities in new areas.

When we creatively seek out ways to sustain ministry long-term, we not only provide dignified job opportunities for the community, but we also ensure the ministry of planting churches where there are none continues far past this generation.

Thank you for joining us in this mission to see communities transformed for the glory of God.



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