Five Things to Know About International Mission Work: Insights from Over 30 Years of Experience

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For over 30 years, Mission ONE has been engaged in international missions work, partnering with communities around the globe to share the love of Christ and address both physical and spiritual needs through the local church. Throughout this journey, we’ve learned valuable lessons about how to carry out missions work effectively, respectfully, and sustainably. Whether you are just beginning your mission journey or seeking to deepen your understanding, here are five key insights to guide your international missions efforts.

1. The Importance of Building Trusting Relationships

In missions work, building trust is foundational. It’s not enough to simply arrive in a community and start working. Establishing genuine, trusting relationships with local leaders and community members is key to achieving long-term impact. We’ve learned that these relationships, developed over time, lead to deeper understanding and more robust partnerships.

For example, through our ministry in a remote village in Kenya, we’ve spent decades investing in both local ministry leaders and community members. In doing so, we were able to build trust and gain insights into their specific needs and cultural context. This mutual trust and respect enabled us to collaborate effectively on projects that were relevant and welcomed by the community. We now have an All Girls School that is completely transforming harmful society norms for young girls in this community and growing each year. Trust opened the door to this meaningful change, making it crucial in every aspect of our missions work.

2. Cultural Sensitivity and Adaptability

A critical lesson we’ve learned over the years is the importance of cultural sensitivity. Every community has its own customs, beliefs, and ways of life. A successful mission requires a deep understanding and respect for these cultural differences. Being culturally sensitive fosters mutual respect and creates a more effective partnership.

In our early years, we sometimes assumed that what worked in one community would naturally work in another. However, we found that a one-size-fits-all approach can often hinder community growth. Instead, listening closely to the communities we serve allows their specific needs to guide our focus. This cultural awareness has helped us build stronger relationships and develop programs that are beneficial and sustainable for the long term.

3. Clear Communication and Partnership Agreements

Effective communication is the cornerstone of any successful partnership, especially in international missions. It’s vital to have open and honest dialogues with local leaders, discussing expectations, roles, and project scope upfront. One of the best ways to ensure clarity is through formal partnership agreements.

At Mission ONE, we have found that written partnership agreements help set clear parameters and guidelines for collaboration. These agreements outline the expectations and responsibilities of both parties, allowing for transparent and productive working relationships. Learn more about how and why we develop our partnership agreement forms at Mission ONE here.

4. Sustainability Over Short-Term Impact

While it might be tempting to focus on short-term impact, sustainable change should always be the ultimate goal of international missions work. Of course, there are times when our focus must shift to immediate relief. When disasters strike and communities lack critical care and basic necessities for survival, the most important work we can do is step in to meet those needs. However, generally speaking, short-term solutions often fail to bring lasting change.

We’ve found that empowering local communities to take ownership of projects leads to more sustainable outcomes. By equipping community members with the tools and knowledge they need to continue the work independently, we help create a foundation for lasting change. Sustainability has become a core principle in our approach to missions.

5. Flexibility in the Face of Challenges

International missions work is rarely straightforward. Unexpected challenges, such as political instability, natural disasters, or funding issues, can arise at any moment. One of the most important lessons we’ve learned is the need for flexibility and adaptability in the face of these challenges.

For example, during the 2020 pandemic, we had to pause our six-month sewing program for young girls in Kijabe Town, Kenya when several participants contracted COVID-19. We quickly shifted our focus to providing support and resources to meet the community’s most pressing needs at that time. By staying flexible, we were able to continue supporting the community and resume our work when conditions improved. Flexibility allows us to navigate obstacles and continue serving effectively, even in uncertain situations.

International missions work is a journey filled with joys, challenges, and profound learning experiences. From building trusting relationships to prioritizing sustainability and staying adaptable, these five lessons have shaped our approach at Mission ONE over the past 30+ years. We hope these insights will help guide others who are called to this important Kingdom work.

If you would like to learn more about our efforts, we would love to connect with you. Contact us today to discover how we can partner together to make a global impact.

Together, we can continue transforming communities around the world to reflect the Kingdom of God, making a lasting difference for His glory and the honor of all peoples.

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