The M1 Giving Circle is the fabric of Mission ONE and the work we do. 

Your monthly gift, woven together with other M1 Giving Circle gifts, creates a tapestry of love, support, and generosity. Together, we are the hands and feet of His Kingdom - reaching, praying, and loving our sister and brother in Christ in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East.

Because of donors like you - the impact of your gift transforms more than a single person, a family, or even a community. Your monthly gift impacts generations.

You can donate using our form or text MissionONE2021 to 41444


You are the fabric of Mission ONE.

Each monthly gift, big or small, empowers Mission ONE indigenous leaders to do more for their community as they:

    • strengthen communities and families
    • train youth and adults with necessary job skills and education
    • implement strategic projects
    • plant churches
    • develop missional businesses
    • build and staff safe schools
    • provide medical care
    • pray and uplift individuals and families
    • and so much more

What difference can a monthly gift make? Your monthly gift of $25 or more provides sustaining support for Mission ONE projects like:

All Girls School An all-girls high school in Pokot, Kenya will give girls education on the pathway to a brighter future, opportunities to pursue a college education, competitive jobs, and chances to contribute to their communities and the world at large.

Juba Tech Center - Since the South Sudanese civil war began nearly a decade ago, the war-torn country has been on the verge of economic collapse, with many youths turning to drugs and alcohol. A new technology center in the capital city of Juba will train young people in technology and life skills as they seek employment according to their God-given purpose.

Together, our M1 Giving Circle makes the international work of Mission ONE happen.

The impact of your monthly gift is immediate as we collectively transform leaders, families, and communities.

Hearts and lives are forever changed. 

Transforming people, families, and communities for generations to come.

Here's How we'll thank you:


Supporting the Global Church is something to be proud of! We’ll send you some stickers and decals to add to your favorite mug, folder, or car.


Building deep relationships is at the center of our ministry. We’d love for you to meet our leaders and international partners through exclusive quarterly virtual chats. You'll be invited to hear directly from our international local leaders.


And we want to leave you inspired. When your cumulative annual support of Mission ONE reached $2,500 we’ll send you a copy of our Jubilee report for your coffee table or office. This report is full of beautiful imagery and inspiring stories celebrating the work of the Global Church, made possible by sustaining donors like you.

When survival is on the line because of war, oppression, or natural disaster, we want to help immediately.

We assist in planning and promoting initiatives such as planting churches, developing missional businesses, schools, and medical facilities through local church outreach in communities where the need is great.

We develop curriculum and train leaders in new ways that are more relevant to peoples that have historically been difficult to reach with the gospel.