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Our Discussion How can we use hermeneutics to understand the Bible more clearly or through new eyes? Today, we are analyzing George R. Hunsberger’s article, “Proposals for a Missional Hermeneutic”. We explore four different approaches to interpreting the Bible missionally. We explore these four approaches to a missional reading of scripture and weigh their advantages…

Our Discussion Are you ready for a trip around the world? This episode features Dr. Bobby Gupta, President of Hindustan Bible Institute & College. Our conversation with Dr. Gupta addresses gospel contextualization, missions, and theology for the church in India. Our podcast focuses on the difference between systematic theology and biblical theology and how this…

Women all over the world are faced with unimaginable hardships, especially those living in marginalized communities. Women are often excluded from educational and economic opportunities, which leave them vulnerable to unplanned pregnancies, sexually-transmitted diseases, and gender-based violence. Lack of dignified work leaves these women trapped in a cycle of generational poverty. This leaves women feeling…

The concept of having a distinct, normative vision of masculinity and femininity—biblically speaking, has proven to be challenging. As familiar as we may be with the text in Genesis, where we read God created humans in His image and likeness, we may inadvertently miss some of the more crucial ideas that could change some of…

Our Discussion How did Paul reframe humanity’s universal problem in his letter to the Romans? Today we’ll be viewing Romans through a missional lens. We’ll examine the ways that Paul relativized and re-narrated collective identity and social status within Romans. Then, we use this perspective to compare status and identity in our modern world to…

Our Discussion How did Mark reverse honor and shame during the death of Jesus? To answer this question, Dr. Narry Santos will be joining us today to help us better understand honor and shame during the time of Christ. Dr. Santos has two PhDs, one in the New Testament and another in Philippine Studies, and…

Many churches across North America seek to share the gospel of Jesus in an international context, proclaiming the good news through good deeds. Cross-cultural work can be one of the most rewarding efforts, but like any work worth doing, it isn’t without challenges. Miscommunication and misunderstanding between partners can cause a well-meaning mission project to…

Our Discussion How does Jesus speak in Muslim cultures? To find out, we have guest author and speaker, Audrey Frank, who spent over two decades serving Muslims internationally and within the US. She will be sharing from her experience living internationally in Muslim communities and giving a clear understanding of key cultural dynamics of honor…

Our Discussion In this episode, we meet an Afghan refugee named Mina, who currently attends ASU. Mina shares about her upbringing in Afghanistan. She shares her educational experiences and the culture of her people. She explains the history of her country and the current state of affairs. Mina tells her story of coming to America…

Our Discussion How can a deeper perspective of sin help us triumph over evil? Today, we are taking a long, insightful look into defining and understanding sin. We’ll discuss sin on an individual, cosmic, and collective scale, and the theological implications that come with it. What is cosmic and collective sin? What causes people to…
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3 Ways to Honor God on Your Next Mission Trip
We're sharing three things you should consider before you organize or participate in an international mission trip, seek to do work in the multicultural neighborhood in your own city, or embark on any cross-cultural partnership.