Photo credit: Flickr/NIAIDIn this article, originally published here on January 28, 2020, Jackson Wu explores the tension governments often face between saving face and providing transparent communication to its citizens, within the current context of the Chinese government’s response to the Coronavirus outbreak. Wu asks Western readers to ponder how we might be more prone…

In this article, originally published here on February 3, 2020, Jackson Wu remarks how war and suffering typically expose the best and worst about human nature. Similarly, virus outbreaks seem to increasingly reveal the internal dynamics of Chinese culture. News outlets are reporting that the Chinese government is now using drones as a tool for…

This week we are highlighting our partners that minister in Kenya, Sudan, and Uganda. This team focuses on house to house evangelism and church planting. This week we want to focus on a story of one man in their community who responded to the call the Lord put on his heart for his community. Joseph…

There are many things that we can learn from the Global church, one of the most beautiful being the evidence of the Gospel at work in the unity of the church. We are grateful for the example of this unity in Christ from our partners in the Middle East. “Our church has been greatly blessed…

In September 2019, I presented “An Honor-Bearing Gospel for Shame-Fueled Crises,” at the annual conference of EMS (Evangelical Missiological Society). The article is to be printed in early 2020 in Missio Dei Journal. The audio from the presentation can be found here. A link to the full text can be found below. A short summary follows: This…

by Jackie Parks, Coordinator of Strategic Projects: North Africa & the Middle East, Mission ONE Every day for the past 2 weeks, I’ve spent my time digging through the files of Mission ONE. My task was simple enough: familiarize myself with the organization and create some social media posts that would introduce our partners to…

This was part of the letter sent from our partners in Pakistan who are in the process of opening sewing centers in 3 new cities. What started as an idea for one city, quickly multiplied as the number of women interested began to multiply. These women, many of them widows, have been living in extreme…

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