Learn more about the inspiration behind this piece from the artist Hospitality and lament. We have become all too well acquainted with the walls of our own houses in these recent weeks. But I’ve seen hospitality flourish. It’s a long held artist secret that we are pushed to our most creative place when met with a lack…

Written by Werner Mischke, Mission ONE Vice President I presented “An Honor-Bearing Gospel for Shame-Fueled Crises,” at the annual conference of EMS (Evangelical Missiological Society) in Dallas, Texas on September 14, 2019. The EMS theme for 2019 was “Mission Amid Global Crises.” Here is the audio (27 min). The article is slated to be published in early 2020 in Missio Dei…

Written by Jackson Wu, Mission ONE Theologian-in-Residence “I sacrificed more by leaving the mission field.” When my friend recently made this statement, I not only knew she was right; I recognized how few people realized the cost missionaries pay when returning to their home country. Far fewer churches and mission organizations talk about it. First…

Written by Jackson Wu, Mission ONE Theologian-in-Residence Being in a family during the quarantine. Working on a team. Having a spouse and kids. Even without the coronavirus, life always brings us new challenges to our character. Credit: flickr/AnantRohankar No Christian seriously contests the idea that the cross of Jesus ought to shape how we live….

By Jackie Parks, Coordinator of Strategic Projects: North Africa & the Middle East This Holy Week is unlike anything we’ve ever experienced before. It’s hard to know how to process and celebrate in the midst of crisis and uncertainty. For most of us, in person church services and normal Easter celebrations have been moved to…

Written by Jackson Wu, Mission ONE Theologian-in-Residence Many have talked about how stressful life has become since the coronavirus hit America. Schedules and routines are upended. People feel on edge. For me, however, the past week or so has felt strangely familiar, almost like putting on an old well-worn sweatshirt. Public Domain Upon reflection, I…

Written by Jackson Wu, Mission ONE Theologian-in-Residence Perhaps you are feeling useless and unproductive because you are self-quarantined or keeping your distance from others. After all, you might ask, what can I do while locked up in my home? This post suggests 6 ways you can make an impact on the world while social distancing….

In this article, originally published here on September 17, 2018, Werner Mischke breaks down five misunderstandings about honor-shame and explains why they are incorrect or incomplete. Read the full article here.

This article was originally published in the October – December 2018 issue of EMQ (Evangelical Missions Quarterly, Vol. 54, No. 4). In the article, Werner Mischke explores how the New Testament addresses the thorny issue of rivalry and honor competition. Additionally, he asks, what might we learn that applies to our own mission teams and…

Photo credit: Wikimedia/Poochan50 In this article, originally published here on January 22, 2020, Jackson Wu explores how honor shame cultures would benefit from leadership training that better aligns with their cultural context, versus a traditional Western perspective on leadership development that tends to be more individualistic in nature. Read the full article here.

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