The Ephesians 2 Gospel Project is already making an impact. Kristin Caynor, who has assisted our work on this project, was recently asked to guest lecture on the topic at the Centre for the Study of Bible and Violence as the opening of their 2022 Lent lecture series. Kristin is an American who grew up…

This text, Ephesians 2:13–17, speaks of reconciliation between peoples— through the cross of Christ. 13 But now in Christ Jesus, you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. 14 For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the…

At the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp on August 6, 2015, I took this picture of myself in front of an aerial photo of the center. I did this to acknowledge the shame of human beings (me being of the same species) who committed the atrocities there. First, some background material: But now in Christ Jesus, you who once…

The Bible tells us that we are all created in the image of God, that we have been equipped and gifted with unique talents for a purpose and for His glory. Unfortunately, communities across the world have shifted the way they see or think about certain concepts in the Bible, including ‘being fearfully and wonderfully…

As we continue to talk about seeing God’s glory in communities across the world, we want to bring your attention back to Nepal, where Mission ONE has spent a significant amount of time alongside local partners, doing life together and helping meet the needs of the local community. We believe that both body and spirit…

*The names in this blog post have been changed to protect the identity of our partners.  In our last blog post, we addressed the importance of philosophy in Christianity and how some beliefs, like those of the Greek Philosophers Plato and Aristotle, have affected the theology and teachings of many Christians across the world over…

The church today looks a lot different than it did even over the last 50 years or so. Like anything else, as time passes, things shift and change. Forces affect how we think about certain things around us, and the church is not exempt from this. Popular culture is ever changing and always competing for…

Recently, we’ve taken some time to consider the topic of identity and how it can be affected by many things such as stereotypes as covered in our interview with Mission ONE Theologian-in-Residence, Jackson Wu. Outside of a western look at identity, we’ve seen the impact of how we view ourselves and how others view us…

It should come as no surprise that the topic of identity is considered one of the most talked about among Christian and secular circles alike. It’s in our nature to be curious about who we are, and find our purpose—whether that question comes up today, or in the future. Not only does our identity play…

As we get ready to close out another year, we want to spend some time taking a look at the different ways Advent is celebrated around the world. It’s an important time of celebration and joy that directs our hearts and minds to the anniversary of our Lord’s birth. The word Advent derives from the…

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