
Ancient Syria was a region referred to often in the Bible. In one well-known account, the Apostle Paul cited the “road to Damascus”, which is the largest city in Syria and the place where he had visions that led to his Christian conversion. Today, only 10 percent of the population is Christian, with the large majority being Sunni Muslim. Civil war has defined Syria, in many ways, for the last decade. The UN estimates that 400,000 people have been killed in Syria since the beginning of the civil war in 2011.  


Millions fled war in the Middle East with legal refugee status, but even more fled without the opportunity to request refugee status, leaving them unable to legally work in the countries they found refuge in. Without any source of income, families set up temporary shelters in large refugee camps and were completely dependent on aid.

our approach

We were never intended to live in poverty, divided against one another, with little hope for peace. In the Kingdom of God, poverty, violence, division, and hopelessness will not exist. We believe the Church is God’s primary transforming agent in the world, and that the local church exists to make its community more like the Kingdom of God.   

We partner with local ministry leaders as they minister to the communities and cultures that they themselves are from. We start projects and programs in the hardest places and set up a plan for them to be self-sustaining in order for them to know independence and the value of reinvesting in their own communities.  

Read on to learn how communities are being transformed in Syria. 



Repatriation - Through this repatriation project, our partners have helped Syrian refugees relocate back to their home country through the rebuilding of their homes and by starting small businesses that will not only allow them to provide for their families, but also empower and sustain their communities. 

Gospel Context

People in the Middle East are no strangers to conflict between religious and cultural groups. Unfortunately, the poor and vulnerable experience the most suffering of anyone during war. Women, in particular, are mistreated while being left to carry the burden of their families.  

Does the message of Jesus have anything to say about the way these women have been treated? You can learn more by checking out our curriculum: Restoring Honor through Shame. 


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