Support the Ephesians 2 gospel project
You may know Werner Mischke as a passionate speaker and friendly face. At Mission ONE we are blessed by his role as Vice President and his leadership in our Training Ministry. The Ephesians 2 Gospel Project was launched in 2021 is already inviting a global conversation.
The Ephesians 2 Gospel Project is addressing collective identity and tribal conflict within the Church. (So just a small topic to tackle.) Werner, along with Ph.D. candidate Kristin Caynor, have been researching the historical use of this significant Bible passage over the past year. In late 2021 they began presenting webinars and lectures to begin facilitating a global conversation.
Today–they have been invited to Kenya, Rwanda, and South Sudan to further this growing initiative.
In Rwanda, Werner and Kristin will listen to and record stories of tribal conflict and reconciliation.
In Kenya–they will meet together with Kenyan Christians to discuss how the gospel in Ephesians 2:13-17 and other Bible texts speak about collective identity conflict and reconciliation through the cross of Christ.
In South Sudan, Werner will visit our long-time Mission ONE partner, Pastor Idris Nalos.

A key idea of the Project is: There is a social, horizontal dimension to the gospel of Christ because there is a social, horizontal dimension to the atonement of Christ (Eph 2:13–17). Rwanda is an important place to learn and study this—as Rwanda was considered 85% Christian when the 1994 genocide occurred. The horizontal dimension of the gospel of Christ was grossly violated in Rwanda’s genocide. Why?
The questions surrounding the Rwandan genocide are not dissimilar to the questions concerning WW2 Germany and the Holocaust; 97% of Germany’s population was considered Christian at the time.
Big questions are unavoidable: What were the social and dark spiritual forces that trumped Christian ethics among so-called followers of Jesus? Is sin located in the individual, social, and cosmic arenas? What has Christ accomplished through the cross in making peace, killing the hostility (Eph 2:13–17) between Jews and Gentiles? Why has this biblical text been widely ignored? What does this mean for the church today?
We have a big reason for asking difficult questions: We believe it will lead to fresh insights and Christ-centered hope. It will be hope from God’s living Word, experienced in Jesus Christ. We intend that it will be from and for the Global Church.
You can be part of this important global dialog.
Please join us in covering Werner and Kristen in prayer as they develop materials and articles to support Christian leaders around the world.
Please prayerfully consider supporting the Ephesians 2 Gospel Project and our team dedicated to seeing God's Shalom as the Church embraces peacemaking tools.
Werner's goal is to raise $10,000 in the month of April for this important project. Please join him today in making more communities like the Kingdom of God.

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