Strategic Projects

It does no good to plant churches unless they are transformational.

Dr. Paul R. Gupta

Hindustan Bible Institute, Mission ONE Partner

Mission ONE Key Objectives

The Gobal Church should be a transforming agent in all areas of life: faith, health, family, education, work, social harmony, etc. Mission ONE collaborates on strategic projects with leaders of local organizations who deeply understand their community. Together in partnership, we help create change to increase dignity, reduce dependence, and make the community more like the kingdom of God.


Community Transformation

Our partners provide vision and execution for projects that meet the social and physical needs of communities, providing transformation that stems from the local church. From schools and hospitals that provide hope, to job training that creates self-sufficiency and dignity, communities are transformed in every way.


Missional Businesses

Mission ONE partners are operating missional businesses in Kenya, Nepal, India, and Thailand, with more on the way. They provide jobs in the community and home-grown income for our partner organizations, breaking a cycle of dependence on outside funding. They also position the church as a key component of community life.


Church as a Change Agent

Mission ONE’s global partners are planting churches in places the gospel has never been taught. These churches are working with their communities to address social problems and are gaining credibility among the people they serve.

Get Involved with Mission ONE

Join us as we equip and train the Global Church to transform communities in hard places.