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How the All Girls School is transforming perspectives in Pokot

Earlier this year, the All Girls School began another academic year with 122 students, marking a notable increase of 53 more girls compared to the previous year. We’re not only celebrating the growth at the school, we’re praising God for the Kingdom-minded movement that’s happening in this region. More parents are choosing to send their daughters to school which is fostering generations of impactful change. Rather than being forced into early marriages and motherhood, young girls are being given the chance to receive an invaluable education. This opportunity is opening doors for their futures that were once shut by societal norms.

We’re currently in the final phase of the construction project to expand the school grounds. The additional classrooms are accommodating for the incredible growth we’ve seen over the last few years.

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over 30 years of making communities more like the kingdom of God


8,566 churches planted


367,161 people found hope in Jesus Christ

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