This former British colony is one of the world's largest oil producers, accounting for more than 90 percent of Nigeria’s exports, but few Nigerians have benefited. Nigeria has over 250 ethnic groups, the three largest of which are the Hausa-Fulani, Yoruba, and Igbo. The country's film industry, known as Nollywood, is one of the largest film producers in the world, second only to India's Bollywood.
our approach
We were never intended to live in poverty, divided against one another, with little hope for peace. In the Kingdom of God, poverty, violence, division, and hopelessness will not exist. We believe the Church is God’s primary transforming agent in the world, and that the local church exists to make its community more like the Kingdom of God.
We partner with local ministry leaders as they minister to the communities and cultures that they themselves are from. We start projects and programs in the hardest places and set up a plan for them to be self-sustaining in order for them to know independence and the value of reinvesting in their own communities.
Read on to learn how communities are being transformed in Nigeria.
Our partners
Mission ONE has been working in West Africa since 2006 through our trusted partners at African Evangelical Christian Mission (AECM), led by Joseph and Graciah Ayigah. AECM focuses on discipleship, pastoral care through relationships, walking with broken families, and freedom from bondage through Christ. Through the local church, they have been able to establish schools and clinics to meet the needs of the community. They currently have over 100 pastors serving in Togo, Benin, Ghana, Nigeria, and Ivory Coast.
Gozem Car Rental - The Gozem car rental project in Togo is financially supporting the work of the AECM ministry and its missionaries serving vulnerable communities in Benin.
Gospel Context
West Africa is a meeting point of different religions. Islam, Tribal religions, and Christianity all exist in the region, and often not peacefully. People living in pluralistic and tribal cultures are in tune with spiritual realities that we often miss in the "enlightened" West. The power of Jesus' death and resurrection is best applied when people see its capacity to address the struggles of their everyday lives, often associated with spirits.
Learn more about the role of culture in contextualizing the gospel by reading The Global Gospel, written by the former Mission ONE Vice President, Werner Mischke.