
Ethiopia is the most populous landlocked country in the world, as well as the second-most populous nation on the African continent after Nigeria. Nearly half the country ascribes to Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity. 


3.5 percent of the population lives below the international poverty line. Legalism and patriarchy, even within the Ethiopian Orthodox Christian faith, present a religious construct that often leaves women out. 

our approach

Historically, the gospel has mostly been spread throughout the world by Western missionaries. A gospel message that is true has been presented, but it can feel like the religion of another people. Mission ONE created training materials for both our partners and the Western population that help shift this narrative to embrace a localized cultural context. When leaders learned to understand the Bible in terms of honor and shame, they presented the gospel in ways that connect to all aspects of their community’s lives. Our partners have transformed communities with Christ at the center of their work because the gospel no longer feels like someone else’s story.

Ethiopia 4

Our partners

The Ethiopia Team was made up of a consortium of teams led by Negash Gemeda, largely focused on mentoring and training other missionaries in the region. Discipling an entire network of missionaries, creating a cascade model, allowed this large team to have an impact on a grand scale. Our partnership with the Ethiopia Team began in 2000.


Our partners largely focused on training missionaries in their region. They have planted churches, prayed with the sick, developed leaders, mentored and built relationships on an individual level, and walked alongside communities that were working to utilize their own assets and lift themselves out of poverty.

100% of the proceeds from these photographs will go to humanitarian projects in Mizan Tefari, Ethiopia

115 churches planted


18217 baptisms

Mission ONE envisions a world where every community is transformed for the glory of God and the honor of all peoples. Through the Global Church, we provide creative solutions, training, and support to help strengthen communities and bring hope to people in the hardest places. Working globally, with national and indigenous leaders, together we are making communities more like the Kingdom of God.