South Sudan Bakery

Partner: Evangelical Free Church in South Sudan (EFCSS) 

Location: Torit, South Sudan 

A bakery is changing the narrative in South Sudan by creating more job opportunities and renewing hope where it was once lost.

The people in South Sudan often feel marginalized and oppressed due to the immense amount of conflict in the country. South Sudan attained its independence in 2011, and since then, the country has experienced several wars that claimed the lives of more than 400,000 people. This also caused two million people to escape to seek refuge in the neighboring countries.

Even now, most families struggle to survive because they lack opportunities and resources. The amount of conflict still taking place makes it nearly impossible to move forward in their lives. Young people lack education, jobs, and hope, often leading to more stealing, fighting, and joining negative groups. Leaders in these communities are crying out for help to improve the future of their country.


The biggest issue for communities in South Sudan is the lack of resources and opportunities. Most people are stuck in a poverty cycle—they believe this is the only way to live. The wars have left them in a state of constant chaos and survival mode. Most young people in this country are defeated in their efforts to improve their lives.

Pastor Pious is one of the leaders in the community, and he believes the only way to improve South Sudan is to provide people with education, job opportunities, and training for them to learn how to provide for their families. Not only will this provide for their physical needs, but it will also encourage them emotionally and spiritually. Pastor Pious believes that starting a bakery will provide added resources and support for his community. The bakery will create job opportunities and will encourage people to have hope. In the middle of fighting, chaos, and trauma, we want to bring the love and hope of Jesus by showing them that change is possible.



People have lost hope. Many believe that South Sudan can never be a safe or desirable place to live. We want to change that narrative by creating more job opportunities for people in South Sudan. The way we will do that is by starting a bakery business under the leadership of Pastor Pious. His brother, Lino Mario, will be the manager and chef, and he will train all the employees. He currently works for a big hotel in Juba but is excited to be moving to work with his brother to benefit the community further and create more jobs.

Additionally, Pastor Pious has interviewed his church members and has selected 14 people to be employed by this project. Pastor Pious has spoken with hotels, restaurants, and stores who have agreed to buy bread from them. Specifically, each vendor has agreed to pay five dollars per 10 loaves of bread, and altogether they are willing to buy 2,000 loaves of bread per day. We also have already found a building which is in Torit.


The bakery's desired impact is to create more job opportunities and bring hope to the community. Most people working in small, rural communities do not have consistent jobs, so they often lack the necessary resources to provide food for their families and send their kids to school. We desire families to be financially stable. The long-term desired impact is for the bakery to make enough money to replace what Mission ONE sends for quarterly support and to help support 20 families. As the business grows, the funds will return to the missionaries and improve the community.



Half of Mission ONE's support will be replaced by the bakery profit after the first year of opening.


All of Mission ONE’s support will be replaced by the bakery profit after the second year of opening. 


After the third year of opening, profit margins will allow for any additional income to be allocated to another local project in South Sudan. 


  • 14 women have been fully trained  
  • 14 women making around 15 to 20 dollars a month  
  • Women in the community are excited about the possibility of them also getting training.  
  • The first 14 women have now trained 14 more women. 
  • 28 women are providing for their families and doing bible study together.